We are learning how to tell the time
telling time math workbook 2nd grade
this page is being translated soon - please be patient for a few days.
The new english version of our sucessfull german version "Wir lernen die Uhrzeit".
What you should know about the clock face:

The little hand on the clock shows the hour.
In one hour it moves from one number to the next.
The hour hand takes 12 hours to go right round the clock – this is half of a day.
There are 24 hours in one day. This means that the hour hand goes round the clock face twice every day!

The big hand on the clock shows the minutes.
The minute hand takes 60 minutes to travel right round the clock.
This means that the clock face is divided up into 60 equal parts to show the minutes.
If you want to know the exact time, then you will have to read off the minutes correctly!
Make your own clock!
Cut out the clock and the hands and attach the hands to the middle with a paper fastener.
1 worksheet "Learning the Clock" Template
Simply add the time on the clock face or into the tab, students draw the hands or are adding the time.
Sheet will be translated in english.
Weitere Arbeitsblätter zum Thema "Uhrzeit lernen":
4 Arbeitsblätter mit Übungen zur Uhrzeit zum Ausdrucken - mit Aufgabenstellung !
Je 2 Arbeitsblätter zu folgenden Themen:
(1) Zeigerposition erkennen
(2) Zeigerposition einzeichnen
Für den Unterricht: Die Mathestunde zur Uhrzeit, Powerpoint Präsentation Uhrzeit lernen
Alle Aufgaben aus dem Übungsheft zur Uhrzeit auf 49 Powerpoint-Folien.
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